Best Horror Games for Xbox

While Xbox publishes the choicest of games, we have compiled a list of the 10 best out them in the market. Let us take a look at them.

1] F.E.A.R 2

The second version of this premier game is like adding double cheese to Pizza. Those who have played the first title would understand that the exploitative and clever game just got scarier and more thrilling in the newer version.

While the basic story remains the same, the environment is larger with much more to do around. F.E.A.R 2 introduces more enemies than its predecessor and gives more control to the users.

2] Alone In The Dark

The story of this game revolves around a guy, Edward. He is an investigator, held captive in a guarded building. Though near death, Edward is saved by something of a mysterious presence. He escapes and meets Sarah Flores, who helps him understand the secret behind his release.

This classic game was released in 2008 but has been modified 5 times since its first launch. Gamers can play the game with 2 perspectives – as the first person or the third person. Though Alone In The Dark is a long story to complete, certain steps could be skipped if found difficult.

3] Fallout 3

Ideally, Fallout 3 is categorized as an RPG game, but the horror elements in the game never fail to thrill. In this game, as soon as the main character, which is player-created, turns 19, the character starts searching for his missing father.

Fallout 3 is known for its amazing sound effects and quick rounds. Unlike other horror games, it isn’t only about the story, but the action as well.

4] Resident Evil 5

In this game, Ricardo Irving is a suspected terrorist who has to be nabbed at any cost. It is believed that Irving is planning to sell a dangerous weapon of mass destruction through his contacts in the black market. Either Sheva Alomar or Chris Redfield (as chosen by the player) would be given the task of arresting Ricardo.

If you are playing the 5th version of the game, you must be familiar with the perspective of the previous versions. Nothing much has changed since then. The only thing that has changed is that the developers have added new weapons and made it easier to find challenges online. Neither the story nor the environment of the game has been altered much.

5] Silent Hill Homecoming

We have heard quite a lot about horror games being inspired by successful horror movies. But this is one game has inspired the plot and theme of 2 films. One is out and another in the making.

The main title ‘Silent Hill’ was good but not among the best for Xbox. ‘Silent Hill Homecoming’ is its upgraded version. The shortcomings have been rectified. It surely has the scope of reaching to the top.

6] Left 4 dead 1+2

Probably the best game among those with a zombie apocalypse, its USP is involving many players as a team to complete the campaigns. Left 4 Dead is a horror game for sure, but it is more inclined towards the action category.

The thrill of the game lies in communicating with unknown comrades (usually online), working as a team and completing episodes in sync. The team involvement is such that each player depends on the team for ammunition and escaping obstacles.

7] Dead Space 2

This sequel to Dead Space was quite awaited. Rather it took almost 3 years for the launch.

Dead Space 2 is one of the scariest games and is not recommended for those with a faint heart. The main character Issac Clarke is yet alive. However, things aren’t the same as earlier. He doesn’t remember the misdeeds of the necromorphs that were done in the previous episode since he suffers from amnesia. As soon as he is released from the hospital, the protagonist of the story, Franco is killed and becomes a necromorph. Now Issac has to control the crisis. The updated version has changed little regarding graphics and utilities. Much remains the same despite the considerable time spent. But the reason anyone would buy the game is the story, the brand. Dead Space was one of the most popular horror games in the market, and the new form is only going to make things better.

8] Condemned 2

Another sequel in the list, Condemned 2 has bettered the story of the primary version quite a lot. The main character Ethan Thomas is still in the game but as a lonely, alcoholic, homeless man. When Ethan realizes that his old enemy is still alive, he decides to join the Crime Unit to counter the threat.

The game retains all the thrilling features from its original episode, like combo attacks and time-bound finishing moves. However, a few weapons have been made weaker to add to the difficulty of the game.

9] Deadly Premonition

Francis York Morgan is an FBI agent. He is investigating the homicide of a young woman Anna Graham. The interesting part of the story is that Francis has a split personality with his alias being Zach. But both of them are not sound enough in interacting with people. This is something that makes it difficult to find a solution to the case.

Deadly Premonition would need a long time to learn and play. It is a game that needs to be played throughout the day and then the night. Its day-night cycle is thrice as fast as the real-time one.

10] Alan Wake

The mere fact that the game has been designed by the same masterminds who made Max Payne explains why Alan Wake is a must-try. Alan Wake, the main character is a novelist who is finding a way of overcoming his writer’s block. Alan’s wife Alice goes missing and Alan has to find her. However, all he has as the equipment is a gun and a flashlight.

While playing the game, it didn’t seem any less than Max Payne in appeal. The same thrill, the same mystique in the story.