Adding or creating a program shortcut helps immensely in speeding up your workflow. However, you require to edit the registry for the purpose of adding the program that you use more frequently as a shortcut. Different registry keys control different file and folder options so, in most cases editing the registry should be avoided and if necessary, should be taken as the last resort. If you have been hunting for ways to create a context right-click menu for the application that does not include the right-click menu support, look no more. You have visited the right place. While at the office, I was discussing with my colleague about the application’s support for Windows. He mentioned that he has an application that doesn’t have a context right-click menu for his application. This idea ended up me creating a post on this topic.

Create Right Click Context Menu Item for Software

Here are a few simple steps to create a right-click context menu for any of your favorite applications. I am just sharing the same with everyone for your reference. Step 1: Right click on shell and create the following registry key in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*\shell\ as shown in the below screen. For demo purposes – I have added my name.

Step 2: Create the association to the “Application.exe”. Rt click on the newly created key and again create New key and name it command. Now in the RHS panel rt click on the value and select Modify. Here insert the full path of the .exe application, eg: C:\Program Files\Ultimate Windows Tweaker.exe. For demo purposes – I have used notepad.exe. That’s it.

You’re done with creating a right-click context menu. Authored By : Vijay Raj, MVP. You may want to check out our following two freeware: