Health experts around the world have recommended every user of a computer to take regular breaks to prevent eye strain and other complications that might affect the health of our bodies. Sadly, most of us have no idea how to use computers in moderation, so let’s help with that, shall we? OK, so there’s a tool known as FadeTop Portable, and it’s all about aiding computer users in choosing the best time to take a break. We suspect folks won’t be using this tool forever because it should get them in the habit of taking breaks, so think of it as temporary help.

How to use FadeTop break reminder software

1] Activity Timeout After launching FadeTop Portable, the tool will hide in the system tray. Right-click on it and select Options, and from there, edit the Activity Timeout. By default, it’s set to 15 minutes, which means, the tool will fade the computer’s screen every 15 minutes if the computer’s keyboard and mouse are in constant use. If you’re a hardcore user, then chances are you might want to adjust the time to a higher number.

2] Other aspects of the Options window Outside of Activity Timeout, the options window brings to the table the ability to change the maximum opacity. It’s set to 60 by default, but this can be changed with just a few clicks of the mouse. Additionally, the opacity’s background color is green, and as expected, users can change it to any color they want. Now, when it comes down to running full-screen applications, the fader, by default, is deactivated. However, to change this, just remove the tick from the box and you’re good to tango. There’s not much else to talk about to be honest because the tool is pretty basic, and that’s completely fine because it accomplishes its main goal. So as it stands, take this wonderful tool for what it is, and allow it to aid in your recovery efforts. Download the newest version of the file via the official website.