Increase YouTube Volume using the DOM console

A DOM or Document Object Model is a component of a web browser that acts as a programming interface of any webpage that is loaded in the browser. It loads all the scripts that support the running of the webpage. A user can make use of the console to make changes to the webpage. Developers mostly use Javascript scripts to make some minor changes to the behavior of the web page. Some of the advantages of using this method over the use of extensions are as follows:

This method will help bypass any restrictions on a corporate level to the users.It will work on any PC platform.It does not require tampering of the computer’s integrity in any manner.This method does not carry any hassle.

Following this method is fairly simple. You need to load the YouTube video streaming page first. Now, hit the F12 button on your keyboard to launch Developer Tools. Navigate to the tab called Console. In the command line area of the Console tab, execute the following command by copying and pasting it:

As you do this, you will suddenly notice an increase in the volume of the YouTube video that was being played in the background. In the code given above, the 0.5 denotes a 50% increase in the volume and can be set respectively in order to boost the volume of the YouTube video being played. Trust this works for you!