However, some of the users prefer to read ebooks on PC. Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can read Kindle ebooks on other devices like your smartphone or PC. Reading ebooks on your full-screen device like a PC creates an excellent reading experience. PCs are a go-to device for most readers who wants to read comics and novels. It is also way more convenient to reference texts for your work-related usage. Additionally, you can read Kindle books with any of your Reader apps by removing Kindle DRM from books. In this article, we explain some of the best possible ways to read Kindle books on your Windows PC.

Best ways to read Kindle books on PC

You can also read Kindle books with any of your Reader apps by removing Kindle DRM from books. In this article, we explain some of the best possible ways to read Kindle books on your Windows system.

2. Use Kindle Cloud Reader

3. Use Third-Party Reader app

There are many tools and software that help you convert Kindle proprietary formats to your reader-supported formatted. Calibre-ebook is one of the popular open-source tools that can be used to remove Kindle DRM. To use it:

Download the Kindle books on your computer using the Kindle app.Download the Calibre-ebook managementImport the books into Calibre’s Library, and the tool will stripe out  Kindle Propriety formats to your desired file type.Once the conversion is done, you will see the converted ebook in the main window of the Calibre library.Add the Kindle books to your reader app to enjoy reading your favorite ebook on PC.

I hope you find these tips useful. Read: How to get Free Kindle eBooks.