Metro UI Tweaker for Windows 8

Metro UI Tweaker Tool is a freeware tool, designed to tweak a few settings that are unavailable to users in Windows 8. The tweaks being currently offered are: Onfirst run the program will generate a folder in your Windows Directory labeled Metro UI Tools. This folder is to keep your Power Option apps in places without worrying about them having to be moved. Once generated and the files are unpacked from the program, do not remove the folder or the Power Apps from this folder as these options will no longer be available and may generate errors.

Metro UI Tweaker v 1.0 for Windows 8.1/8, 32-bit and 64-bit, has been developed by Lee Whittington for The Windows Club. It will be updated with more tweaks from time to time. NOTE: This tool is now unable to disable Start Screen in Windows 8 CP. Donations made are in no way affiliated with The Windows Club but go towards furthering Lee’s projects.